Thursday, March 21, 2013

Meeting on 3/27: Hacking the Hackathon

The Puerto Rico Python Interest Group (prPIG) will hold their 3rd meeting on March 27th at 6:30 PM.  The meeting will dedicated to hacking away at the prPIG process to host collaborative events, such as a Python Hackathon, in the San Juan, Puerto Rico area.  We will brainstorm how to use what's already known and adapting (translating) it to the types of projects, processes, and activities that will be successful in Puerto Rico.

Our next scheduled regular meeting will be on April 10th, 2013 at 6:30 PM.  The co-founders of Blimp (a local startup based on Python) will give us an inside look at their SD stack.

All of the prPIG meetings at sponsored by the Internet Society, ASOPYMES, and Altamente.  Meetings are held in the ASOPYMES offices in the Teachers Association Building in Hato Rey, Suite 403.  prPIG can be contacted through a variety social networks: Google Communties, Google Groups, our Facebook Page, and here on the prPIG homepage.

prPIG was founded to create a sustainable user community based on software development in Puerto Rico


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